Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

CIMA is the world’s leading, and largest professional body of management accountants. It’s unique blend of management accounting, financial accounting and business oriented subjects produces competent and confident business leaders who can lead their organizations to sustainable success. CIMA is driving the technological evolution in the business world and at the core of the CIMA qualification are digital skills which ensure our students and members remain relevant in driving organizations forward.
Entry Requirements:
- LGCSE – Minimum of a C in 4 subjects which include one of the following; Mathematics, English Language, and or Principles of Accounts.
- COSC – Minimum of C in 4 subjects which include one of the following; Mathematics, English Language and or Principles of Accounts.
- Overall aggregate for best six subjects not exceeding 36.
- An applicant with either a Diploma, IB or Certificate in Business Studies/Accounting & Finance or Related from a TVET Institution registered with MOET.
- Other comparable qualifications as assessed by ECOL and/or MOET.
(i) CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting (Operational Level)
- CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting;
- CIMA exemption for Degree or other qualifications obtained from approved institutions by CHE.
(ii) CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting (Management Level)
- CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting;
- CIMA exemption for Degree or other qualifications obtained from approved institutions by CHE.
(iii) Chartered Global Management Accountant CGMA (Strategic Level)
- CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting.
- CIMA exemption for other qualifications obtained from approved institutions by CHE
- The above entry requirements are applicable;
- Study permit is required for international students;
- A certificate of evaluation from the examinations Council of Lesotho or Council on Higher Education or Ministry of Education and Training should be attached for foreign qualifications.
- Diploma in Business studies should be from recognized institutions. For a list of recognized institutions. For a list of recognized institutions, please contact CAS Admissions office.
- Attach certified copies of transcripts & certificates accompanied by full application fee as no application will be considered without these.
- All LGCSE and any other transcripts may be forwarded to Examinations Council of Lesotho or any other institution for verification.
Course Syllabus
CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting
BA1 – Fundamentals of Economics
BA2 – Fundamentals of Management Accounting
BA3 – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
BA4 – Fundamentals of Governance, Law and Ethics
CIMA Operations (Diploma)
E1 – Managing Finance in a digital world
P1: Management Accounting
F1: Financial Reporting
OCS: Operational Case study
CIMA Management Level (Advanced Diploma)
E2 – Managing Performance
P2 – Advanced Management Accounting
F2 – Advanced Financial Reporting
MCS: Management Case Study
CIMA Strategic Level (Chartered Accounting Stage)
E3- Strategic Management
P3 – Risk Management
F3 – Financial Strategy
SCS: Strategic Case Study